What if the elderly woman three doors down could connect with the exact person able and willing to repair the leak in her roof? Or the single dad a few streets over, after losing his job, could have free home cooked meals delivered by the families in the neighborhood? Or the lady who moved into the apartment above the country store received a plane ticket to visit her dying father in Missouri? What if all this happened just yesterday and today a new list of needs were being filled in your neighborhood? What if YOU could help lift someone’s spirits by simply giving an item you don’t really need, or by serving them with a small portion of your time and skill? What if YOU really needed help with something and had the opportunity to allow someone else the pleasure of helping you?

The Needs Network has been created to provide a central hub of connectivity for our community. Our website and volunteers have been designed to organize all the needs that we receive through the direct posts online, by phone, and from our drop boxes around town. Anyone can place a need which they have or know of. And anyone can reply to us about helping fill someone else’s need.

Our vision is to see a community thriving and connected through serving one another. We hope to provide the means for this to take place, but without people grasping the idea opportunities like the three mentioned might be lost. Make the choice. Join the network. See our community prosper by loving one another.

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